Yes, I am still here. It's been so long since I have posted anything that there is a 3 inch layer of dust on my blog page. I guess the creative juices just haven't been flowing. I get like that from time to time. I'll go for a long time with out the urge to draw anything and if I try to make myself it will turn out looking like I tried to draw it on the back of a run away rhino during an earthquake. Hopefully I will be able to come up with something soon. In the meantime, though, I have 4 of the coolest guest artists that you will ever find ready to jump in and take up my slack. So without any ado here they are:

Here he has drawn us his own character creation named War Hawk. He said that he got the idea from
DC Comic's Hawk Man. I think he did an excellent job on this. He has actually came up with his own hero universe. I have seen his characters and they are very good. He puts a lot of time and thought into each of them. He gives them their own names, list of powers and weaknesses and whether they are a hero or a villain. He has even started drawing his characters in comic book form where a certain hero has a story line and villain or villains to defeat. I love to see his drawings. I love the fact that we share a passion for comic books and of all things heroic. We can sit a talk about it for hours. He recently informed me that he loves to read my blog. He said that he really enjoyed looking at it and that he spends a lot of time here, so because of that I will try to make at least one new post every month. Just so he will have something new to look at. Thank you, Big Man for letting me unveil your newest hero here. I hope you will always love to create the way you do now. Just so long as you DON'T DO IT DURING SCHOOL!!!
This drawing is of a phoenix bursting into flames and trying to fly away, but it is chained downed. He said he got the idea from a particular video game. I really like it. I like his use of colors here. He has always had an uninhibited imagination. He can take his mind anywhere. From shark invested waters to the depths of outer space if there is an adventure to have, he can do it. I like to watch him as he plays with his little action figures. How he matches them up, not concerned with what people say their powers are, just making it up as he goes along. I think that is so cool. So thank you Hot Rod for letting me show this picture to the world. I'm sure they will love it as much as I do.
The next person on our list is also a repeat guest artist. She has graced us with some of her earlier abstract art seen here on
Guest Artist #3 and is the star of "
My Little Dumplin". She shows us now her more fashionable side.

She received a fashion designer kit for Christmas and has been putting it to good use. As you can see she has created a wonderful ensemble that will undoubtedly rock the fashion world at the next big show in Paris. Everything is color coordinated and matched just perfectly. I love sitting with her while she creates her next outrageous design. She takes the time to look through all of her patterns and comes up with the best outfit imaginable. Whether she 'Just Woke Up', or is 'Going to the Pool', or even 'Going to the Prom' She is sure to put all the right pieces together to make a one of a kind perfect look. Way to go Dumplin and thank you for letting me walk your master piece down this blog's catwalk.
This will be our next artist's first contribution to the blog although she is the star of '
My Little Squirt".
This picture, which she affectionately named 'Kitty Cats Playing with Me" Was given to me on Saturday afternoon just before a stimulating game of 'Let's See Where We Can Bruise Daddy Next". It is fun to watch her color and draw. She sits there and hums a little tune or sings a little song or even makes up a story about what ever she decided to draw at the time. I also think its important to mention that she is very well rounded in her creativity. Not only is she very good at using colored pencils, which you see here, but she is also a master of crayons and finger paints as well. Well Little Squirt, I hope you like you blog depute, and I thank you for yet another beautiful picture.