Thursday, January 7, 2010

Skull and Snake Tattoo Design

I really love this one. It seemed to take up a life of its own once I started it. Every time I thought I was done, I would think of something else to put in it.

My scanner isn't big enough to scan the picture so I had to take a picture of it and then upload it to the computer. The camera did it more justice than the scanner would have. It shows a lot more of the details and shading of the picture. I also think the barbed wire and the roses make it a little more original.

I don't really have a story to go along with this one except to say that there are three little ones that are anxiously awaiting their debut on to 'Gary's Greetings'. To them I will say to be patient and I will get your pictures done as soon as possible. It takes me a while to do the portraits. I like them to be perfect. I promise that I am working on them and I will have them finished in no time.